Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Doldrums

August is a funny month.

Most of the partners at the Ambridge Surgery have school age kids still, and so tend to need to take some time off through July and August for child care / family holidays, which leaves us short handed pretty much all through this month and in to September. Then again, much of Ambridge itself, and indeed its environs, is also on holiday, so the workload also tends to go down. Particularly when our little corner of the midlands can’t compete with the likes of Stratford upon Avon (home of the Immortal Bard) or “Historic Warwick” (their own self appointed soubriquet), for the lucrative UK tourist market.

All in all, two days back from another week at home with the kids, I feel very much becalmed. Which is not so bad, giving as it does, valuable time for catching up on paperwork and preparation for appraisal and so forth.

The only slight problem, stranded as we are in these medical Horse Latitudes, is that we are hosting a new medical student this next few weeks, and there’s so far been nothing very interesting for him to see.

He’s quite an engaging lad really. A bit northern, but none the worse for that, and at least he’s not, as so many seem to be these days, (pause for dramatic effect) a Brummie…

So if any of you happen to be in the area, or are even thinking about passing trough, and could muster up an interesting symptom or two to offer the poor chap, I’d be eternally in your debt. And for once it appears you won’t have to worry about waiting for an appointment.


BenefitScroungingScum said...

Oh dear, maybe you should send him off as a motivational tool for the old dears who need to lose weight this time? Or is that just too cruel! Bendy Girl

Doctor Jest said...

Bendy Girl-- welcome. Cool picture (until you realize it takes something like EDS to make it possible...). Funnily enough the poor lad has had his fair share of "horizontally challenged" customers so far this week... ;-)

BenefitScroungingScum said...

Waves...thanks Dr J, I like the photo too, took it myself looking down at my feet, we EDS'ers have certain uses ;)
It somehow doesn't surprise me that you've been introducing the lad to lots of rather rotund people this week...seems to me its becoming the new normal, very disturbing! BG

Katy Newton said...

O Dr Jest, you do not have an email address which is very naughty. So I must barge into your excellent post to say that I have spoken to PALS and will be taking that route. Thank you for your help.

Anonymous said...

He needs a gynae week to see whether he's made of stern stuff or not!
How about some threadworms? Throw in a pinch of scabies and an outbreak of impetigo.

Should keep him interested...

Anonymous said...

nice blog.health video articles

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