Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another year over...

... and lest face it, '09 hasn't been all that special. This can be a miserable time of year at the best of times, as I think I might have mentioned a time or two lately, and it's been noticeably worse this year. Over the past two weeks every surgery has seen at least two or three young adults in floods of tears as the dam bursts and they finally have to admit that they might really be depressed. Mostly it's been on a background of lost employment, failed relationships, mounting debt, and for many, a looming fear of homelessness of of having to go back to living with parents. Even this morning, in my last surgery of the year there have been another handful.

At times like this I am extremely grateful to be doing the job that I do in the place that I do it, but these are problems I'm powerless to directly influence. I can suggest that my poor victims try to throw themselves into something that they used to enjoy doing, that they try finding an outlet to talk about how they're feeling, and that they take the pills I'm about to offer them. What they need is a guarantee of a job, a prince / princess charming-- or at very least a kissable frog, a sizable lottery win, and a place of their own, and none of these things are in my gift.

So today I'm counting my blessings, and hoping that for all of us 2010 will mark an up-turn.

Thank you so much to all of you who read this nonsense, and all the more to those who are moved to comment. You really do all go a long way to keeping as sane I am ever likely to be. All the very best to all of you in the year to come, and God bless us, every one!


alhi said...

Tiny Tim, A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens. Oh, sorry, no hobnob on offer;)

A happy new year to you too Dr Jest, see you in 2010.

Nikita said...

Happy New Year, Dr. Jest.

Nutty said...

Happy New Year and thank you for 2009's postings, read with pleasure.

Z said...

A child and a child-in-law of mine have been pretty close to rock bottom in their times. Admitting it can be a turning point, because then they can accept help. I hope your young patients find hope again soon. Thank you, doctor, I appreciate your posts and I hope you have a happy and healthy 2010.

ageing student said...

Happy New year to you too, Dr J. I always enjoy your blog, even if I don't feel the need to comment every time. Your observations are often so close to my own opinions that any additions from me would be superfluous. By the way, my child too, has suffered with emotional problems over the last six years but is finally entering the real world due, in part, to sympathetic counselling from our excellent GP after a failed series of sessions with a Clincal Psychologist. (Plus the magic pills!) All the best for the coming year.

Fuddled Medic said...

Even though you sometime feel powerless, I'm sure you patients still appreciate your advice. At the very least they know someone is willing to listen

Imogene said...

Dear Dottore, you were there to listen, and gave what you could. Sometimes the willingness to listen sympathetically is all it needs to take the edge off suffering.

Thank you for writing in 2009. It is an honour to read you. May 2010 hold contentment and joy for you and yours.

Doctor Jest said...

alhi-- Take a hob nob for effort, and for making me smile :-)

Nikita, Nutty-- HNY right back at ya. and thank you both for being there.

Z, AS-- Thank you for the comments. It can be pretty scary looking after these poor souls. I can't imagine how much more scary being their parent (though as our tow get older I'm beginning to...).

I'm glad to hear things are betetr for them, and pleased that a brother-in-arms has been a help in time of need. I'd expect no less, but it's always nice to hear, given that the perception of TPTB is that we GPs are an ineffectual buch of luddites. And HNY to you both.

Fuddled Medic-- welcome. I see you're one of the Zac Braff generation. Greetings from one of the Alan Alda generation. I hope your career gives you everything you wish for. I really like the look of your blog. HNY and good luck with the studies.

Imogene-- thank you for your continuing kindness and every good wish for 2010 for you and yours.

Doctor Jest said...

alhi-- Oh, and HNY too by the way.

StorytellERdoc said...

Great post. Every little bit you do helps, and with just caring and being kind, you would be surprised at how far those ripples will carry your goodness.

Enjoying your blog.

Doctor Jest said...

StorytellER-- welcome, and thank you for your kind words. Took a sneek peak at your blog and fell about laughing. Seems ER is the same the world over ;-)